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Grow in your faith with our engaging and inviting Sunday School classes

Join us on Sundays at 10 a.m. for our Sunday School classes, featuring kids’ classes to youth programs and a variety of adult study topics for all stages of faith!

  • An adult class that takes a deep dive into the Bible in a Year readings. Join us in the TV Room for this study.

  • A study for adults that focuses on a variety of lessons around walking the Christian life. Join us in the Parlor for this study.

  • This adult class tackles topics in-depth, focused around living and walking in faith. This class is held in the Mary Martha room.

  • This class is for adults who want to focus on scripture. This class meets in the Choir classroom.

  • Students in 6th-8th and 9th - 12th grades are invited to join our youth class that focuses on topics for this age group. Located on the third floor.

  • Pre-k thru 2nd Grade meet. on the first floor for fun and engaging Bible lessons.

    3rd - 5th grade students meet for exciting, topical class that meets on the third floor.

  • A nursery is available for children from infant age - 3 years old. The nursery is open during Sunday School and the morning worship service.

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Youth Programs